(Ch. Moonhill's Classic Plus Signs x Ch. Madigan's Born For Adventure)
b. Sept. 23, 1992
After getting our two lovely boys, Calvin and Hobbes, from our breeding of Ligier to Moonie, we repeated the breeding hoping for a girl. We also hoped that the complications we encountered in that previous whelping were a fluke, but unfortunately that was not to be. Once again there were problems necessitating an emergency C-section, and several pups were stillborn, leaving just one lone live puppy.
With Ligier having complications with both of her litters, we knew we would not breed her again, and so we named the puppy 'Forever One' as she would forever be her mother's only daughter.
She was tiny at birth, but feisty! To compensate for lack of siblings, she had a stuffed doggy toy she cuddled with, and as a result she had a life-long attachment to any and all stuffed toys. She treated them with kid gloves, and no one else was allowed to play with them!
She grew up beautifully, and finished her championship easily in just a handful of shows.
Above: 6 week old Senna strutting her stuff
Below: finishing her championship at 11 months old
After a year-long battle with cancer, we finally had to say goodbye to her on Christmas Eve 2005 at the age of 13.