- A whole year and I haven't posted anything new! Honestly this does not mean that nothing happened, it just means I've been very lax at keeping this site updated. There have been some new titles, some first points for the new show pup, and the loss of an elder, among other things. There are no new litters coming or planned, as we're in a bit of a hiatus after Frankie's litter. She is now retired and the next one to 'take up the torch' will hopefully be her daughter Farren, though as she is still very much a baby it will be a couple of years at least before we contemplate breeding her.
- March 27, 2014: The puppies have arrived! 1 girl and 2 boys. To see pictures of the litter, visit our 2014 Litter Gallery on Pbase.
- March 2014: Exciting news - Frankie was bred in January and is confirmed pregnant! She is due March 26. This will be her 2nd and final litter.
- 2013: A year of ups and downs, but let's focus on the achievements - young Finnie made her agility trial debut and with limited trialing she earned 4 new titles: AAC Agility Dog of Canada (ADC) and Starters Games Dog of Canada (SGDC) and CKC Novice Standard (AGN) and Novice Jumpers with Weaves (AGNJ.) She also earned Qs in CKC Intermediate Standard and JWW. Her mom Frankie earned her AAC Masters Gamblers Dog of Canada (MGDC) title, which also earned her Agility Trial Championship title (ATChC.) She also earned her AAC Bronze Expert Snooker title.
- 2012: I've been quite lax at updating this page, but it's not because of a lack of things to boast about! Frankie and Danni have continued to do well in agility, with Frankie earning her Masters Jumpers Dog of Canada title (MJDC) in March, and her Agility Excellent title (AGX) in June, and Danni earning her Masters Jumpers Dog of Canada (MJDC,) getting the last Q in March, newly running in the Veteran class (Frankie and Danni earned their Jumpers titles at the same time!) As well, Finnie finished her Championship in July. On a sad note we suddenly and unexpectedly lost Zack in August, at just 10 years old.
- September 2011: Frankie achieves her Masters Agility Dog of Canada title (MADC,) qualifying 3 for 3 in Masters Standards, earning her title with an extra Q to boot!
- September 2011: A sad time as we had to say goodbye to dear Olivia, at the age of 17 1/2.
- August 2011: We received news that Danni was again the top Agility Bearded Collie in Canada for 2010, according to Dogs In Canada's Top Agility Statistics. Frankie made the list too, as #3 Beardie.
- July 2011: Finnie wins Best Puppy in Group at the Kars Dog Show.
- May 2011: Frankie's daughter Finnie (the keeper from our October litter, who doesn't have a website page yet) makes her show debut at the Arnprior dog shows and takes Best of Winners for her first 2 points!
- October 2010: The puppies are here! They arrived a couple of days early, on Oct. 29. For more details, visit the new litter page.
- October 2010: Big news to announce - we're expecting PUPPIES! Frankie was recently bred and is confirmed pregnant. Our first litter in nearly two years is due on Hallowe'en.
- August 2010: At the BCCC National Specialty in Belleville Ontario, Danni wins Best Veteran Bitch at the age of 9!
- August 2010: at an AAC agility trial Frankie earns her 3rd Advanced Standard Q with a 1st place and best run, to achieve her Advanced Agility Dog of Canada title (AADC.)
- July 2010: at the TTCC CKC Agility Trials, Frankie earns her Agility Excellent JWW title, and picks up a Q in Ex B JWW as well as two Qs towards her AGI! Danni adds another Excellent B Standard Q, inching her total closer to the goal!
- May 2010: We were very pleased to receive a Dogs in Canada Top Agility Awards certificate in the mail proclaiming Danni the #1 Beardie for 2009, the first year they've offered the award!
- May 2010: Amanda turns 12! Happy birthday to my brown beauty.
- April 2010: another agility weekend another title - Danni earns the final Q for her Masters Standard title (MADC) at the Dreamfields AAC agility trial, with a first place run!
- April 2010: 3 titles were earned at the Dreamfields AAC agility trial - Frankie earns her 3rd Starters Standard Q for her Agility Dog of Canada title (ADC,) and also Qs in Advanced Snooker with a 1st place/Best run. And Danni earns TWO titles, with a Q in Advanced Gamblers to gain her Advanced Games Dog of Canada title (AGDC) and a Q in Masters Snooker to gain her Masters Snooker Dog of Canada title!
- March 2010: Olivia celebrates her 16th birthday!
- October 2009: at the Tibetan Terrier Club of Canada CKC agility trials, Frankie earns two titles - getting the final Q for her Agility Novice Title (AGN) and Qing in all 3 Intermediate JWW runs for her AGIJ title. Her mom Danni also earned another Q in Excellent Standard B.
- October 2009: Yancey celebrates her 14th birthday!
- September 2009: at the Dogz AAC agility trial Danni earns a Q in Masters Snooker, with a 1st place and best run!
- August 2009: at the S D & G CKC agility trials Danni earns another Q in Excellent B Standard, and Frankie earns two Qs in Novice Standard in her first time running that event.
- August 2009: at the Dogz AAC agility trial Frankie Qs in Gamblers, Snooker, and Jumpers, to earn her Starters Games Dog of Canada title (SGDC.)
- August 2009: At the BCCC National Specialty in Lac Carling, Quebec, young Lee wins 1st place in her Junior Puppy Bitch class, and 11 year old Amanda wins Best Veteran in Specialty!
- July 2009: Frankie finishes her championship at the Limestone Kennel Club show.
- June 2009: at the OVPC/OVGRC CKC agility trials Danni earns her first Excellent B Standard Q, and Frankie, in her first CKC trial entered only in Novice JWW, Qs in all 4 runs and earns her Novice Agility JWW title (AGNJ.)
- April 2009: Frankie makes her agility trial debut at the Dreamfields AAC trial, earning two Qs, one in Standard and one in Snooker (the latter with a 1st place and best run!)
- March 2009: Olivia celebrates her 15th birthday!
- November 2008: A new litter was born at Madigan. Mom Danni whelped 8 pups: 6 boys (4 black, 2 blue) and 2 black girls.
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Frankie agility photo above and in sidebar, courtesy of Majka Broulik